
Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Expanding your car hauling business?

If you're expanding your auto transport business, you may need to get set up to accept credit cards (if you haven't already done so). The discount rate, what the processors pay themselves for getting YOU paid can vary quite a bit, especially for people who run businesses that accept credit cards over the phone.

I guess the banks figure if you don't have the card right in front of you to swipe through a machine, there might be just that much more chance of that card being stolen. A lot of times, your discount rate for these types of transaction will range around 2-3%, depending on your volume.

I put a link down at the bottom of the page for Paypal because they have a system that works pretty good. (Plus, they'll give me a finder's fee if you sign up!)

Things I like about Paypal:

Easy to process refunds
Stores your information FOREVER, so you can always go back and check on things if need be.
Doesn't cost much, plus they give you good discounts when your volume gets up there.
Easy to integrate with any sort of e-commerce website you've got going.
Can process phone payments.
Can transfer money with no fee to your checking account.
Get just about 5% annual interest on your money when you sign up for the Moneymarket.

Things I DON'T like about Paypal:

If you're a big-time Ebay seller, keep your main business Paypal account separate from your Ebay account. If you get some cranky customer who decides to complain because his wrapping paper got wrinkled, Paypal reserves the right to freeze that account until the issue has been settled. You don't want all your operating cash tied up like that.

They say they accept all cards, but they don't. We've had customers who couldn't get Paypal to process the payment using a card that we were able to process using Quickbooks.

If someone has a Paypal account, they try to force him to use it. (This happened to me when I was trying to pay a vendor using a credit card.)

Their system is cumbersome and complex... a lot like Ebay, which owns them now!

If you're shopping around, you might want to check out Google. I think they have a new payment system coming out.

Or if you need one now, you can click on the link below.

"Paypal: It's Sort of Good, Sometimes."

1 comment:

  1. you're referring to google check out. i used to use paypal when my website first started to accept credit cards but ran into way too many problems, and they're so expensive!! i actually use google check out now and i'm happy with them, and tehyre so much cheaper than paypal! :)
